Author - Satya

The importance of cultural preservation in tribal child care.

The importance of cultural preservation in tribal child care is paramount in ensuring that the unique identities and heritage of Native Indian children are upheld and respected. This not only helps children to understand and connect with their own cultural background, but it also helps to promote a sense of pride, self-esteem, and belonging.One of the key ways that...

The unique challenges faced by tribal families in accessing child care services.

Tribal families in INDIA often face unique challenges when it comes to accessing childcare services. These challenges are rooted in both historical and current issues, including poverty, lack of transportation, and limited access to quality childcare providers. One of the biggest challenges faced by tribal families in poverty. Many reservations and tribal communities are located in remote and isolated areas,...

The History of Yoga – Where Did Yoga Come From- By SHIVAA NGO

 No one knows exactly how old yoga is. It originated as long as 10,000 to 5000 years ago. it absolutely was passed down orally and has skilled much evolution. The earliest relevancy Yoga was found when archeological excavations were made within the Indus valley - an out of this world powerful and influential civilization within the first antique period. This...

How an NGO Helps Children To Build Up Their Lives- By SHIVAA NGO

A large number of youngsters in India die per annum thanks to lack of medical treatment. The NGOs work with the communities and government to boost the health of kids. Child labor is rampant in India in spite of laws against it. The NGOs work to reveal and forestall the exploitation of kids especially in states like province and Bihar where...

Ideal Fertilizer For Home Gardening Plants -By SHIVAA NGO

A discussion on fertilizer for home gardening plants looks as if a dated topic. Yet the importance is utmost as per the interest of growers and gardeners. For all the gardeners, the knowledge of using fertilizers and ways to use them is crucial. For attaining vigorous plant growth, you'd wish to know the hardiness of plant zones. so on growing...

Staying Strong In Crisis – By Shivaa NGO

As I write this, we've got all been asked to shelter in situ, staying home the maximum amount as possible, due to the pandemic. This puts pressure on both individuals, who could also be very alone now, and couples, who is also battling needing alone time and space. most are worried, and feeling stressed. Here's a way to stay...

Is It Difficult to Find Real and Honest NGO’s in India?

Though there could also be thousands of NGOs in India but not all are effective and honest. How does one know that your money is being employed the way you want? it's vital to stay a track of whether your charity is benefiting the required cause. Once you discover out that the NGO using your money in a very...

World Population Day – The Key is Women Empowerment

"Think of the globe as a living organism that's being attacked by billions of bacteria whose numbers double every forty years. Either the host dies, or the virus dies, or both die." - Eugene Luther Vidal, American novelist and critic. The world is bursting at it seams thanks to the burgeoning global population. per this estimates, the earth population is approximately around...

Difference Between Suburban and Rural – By Shivaa NGO

  The Environment:   Each people exists within somebody's and physical environment that surround us. The human environment includes family, relatives, friends, neighbors, work-mates, acquaintances and therefore the everyday people you see within the street. Each folks relates and behaves on the idea of his or her perception of their environment.   City Life: Jobs, education and lifestyle are important reasons why people sleep in or near cities. Lifestyle choices during a city include cultural and recreational activities like art galleries, museums, concerts, public libraries, theaters,...

Enviroment Protect

6 Simple & Easy Ways To Help The Environment: At Home and At Work

Many people are searching for quick and simple ways in which we will help the environment. we all know the earth is precious and need to search out ways to assist, but also may find it easy to become overwhelmed or discouraged. That's where these handy tips come in!  Whether you're reception or at work - wherever you spend the...